(In)equality of the Coronavirus

We have heard over the last month or so, as the coronavirus spread to nearly all parts of the world, that it does not discriminate among humans on any basis. Particularly that the rich and poor are equal when it…

The Weakest Links in Global Debt

Governments of Rich Countries and Non-Financial Corporations Recession is here, the production chains are breaking down – some partially and some totally, and this breakdown is directly reaching the financial system: stock values are declining, debts are difficult to pay,…

“Resonance” and a Looming Collapse

Resonance is defined as a physical phenomenon that occurs when the frequency of an external act or effect (including an external field) is in harmony with the natural frequency of the object under the effect.

“Interest Rate”: Capitalism’s Achilles Heel!

Specialized and non-specialized websites and magazines are flooded with an enormous number of articles and research related to the current global economic crisis, and these sites vary in how close they are to assessing the reality of what is going…

Jeffrey Reaffirms his Support for Al-Nusra

The US envoy to the Syrian crisis, James Jeffrey, issued this evening a statement that was published on the U.S. embassy in Syria website, in which he expressed rejection of what he called “the farcical Russian statements alleging” that the…

The Comedic Play Starring the Trio: Jeffrey, Malley, and Jolani

The statements exchanged between Russia and Turkey regarding Idlib occupy the greater part of the current political-media scene relating to Syria. This includes a sweeping flood of “analyses” that hopes for the end of the Astana and Sochi tracks, and…