Kassioun Editorial 1210: Gaza, Our Eye a Nail and Fang!

“Did we win? ... Israel was defeated on October 7th... Now, when the jihadists, the haters of Israel, remember October 7th, they will celebrate, and Israel will mourn. This, by the way, is another indication of who won”.

Kassioun Editorial 1205: The New Popular Wave Starts Now!

The struggles of the Syrian people, after nearly 14 years of continuous suffering, have achieved the first phase of victory, and complete victory is still a new wave of struggle away. The first wave, which began in March 2011, has…

Kassioun Editorial 1203: Why Did We Propose “Moscow 3”?

Last Wednesday, November 27, during its press conference following its expansion with the addition of new forces, the Moscow Platform for the Syrian Opposition announced an initiative for a meeting between the opposition and the regime in the Russian capital,…

Kassioun Editorial 1202: How Will the Conflict Proceed?

Even before Trump moves into the White House, the general features of the amendments that will be introduced to American strategy within the ongoing Western struggle against the birth of a new world, and to hold on to the crumbling…

Kassioun Editorial 1201: Syria’s Unity is in Danger! stars

The two long stages Syria has experienced since 2011 – that is, the stage of fighting and military attrition, following by the stage of economic attrition that continues until now – have laid the foundation for a situation that is…