Displaying items by tag: Syrian Crisis

The Aggression Failed, The New International Balance Strengthened

After a week of threats and vows, and launching of inflammatory statements, the forces of the «New Tripartite Aggression» launched raids on military and civilian sites in Syria on Saturday, 14/4/2018, by the same time at which the mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) started its work in Syria.

Statement by Media Office of Moscow Platform

A few hours ago, a statement was issued by the Media Office of the Syrian Negotiation Commission which "condemns the chemical attack" and demands that "the Syrian issue be presented outside the Security Council".

Press Release by Moscow Platform

Monday, 12 March, Mr. Hadi Al-Bahra, a member of the Syrian Negotiation Commission, delivered a speech outside the session of the UN Security Council, in an informal meeting called by members of the Council in accordance with what is known as "Arria-formula".

The Last Attempts of Obstruction

The forces of obstruction have spared no effort, since the Geneva 1 Communiqué up to the present date, to prevent the political solution. With every step of progress in the political process, and whenever the circumstances became suitable for turning this process into concrete procedures, these forces used to resort to escalation in many forms: military, diplomatic, political and media, to abort the progress.

Real Solution vs. Mined Solution

Opponents of the political solution tried to mix the cards again in the Syrian crisis, after bombing of the situation in the north of Syria, the Turkish aggression on Afrin, and the «non-paper» of the five states group.

An Appeal #For_Syrians

Syrian people!

The crisis is almost eight years old, and Syrian bloodshed continues as a result of the extremists’ delusions – here and there – of a military resolution of the crisis, and also because of the support of the external forces hostile to the Syrian people for “Daesh” (ISIS), and “Al Nusra” terrorist groups.

The Political Solution… New Momentum

The negative atmosphere that followed the eighth round of Geneva has not lasted for more than a few days, as the Russian “dynamo” moved, and the wheel of the political process was hastened, spinning with a new acceleration. The overall political process has been mobilized, through three channels together: (Geneva – Sochi – Astana). The three meetings were scheduled to be held within the next two months, which strikes out the predictions of the “oracles” of the various kinds, who rushed to write obituary notices of Geneva and the political solution.

You Will Not Pass!

Last week witnessed an unprecedented political and diplomatic mobilisation, both qualitatively and qualitatively, in the context of pushing forward the political process of solving the Syrian crisis: from the meeting of the leaders of the troika (Russia – Turkey – Iran), to the opposition meetings in Riyadh and preparations for the Syrian dialogue in Sochi, in addition to the various international and regional reactions and shuttle visits made by the international envoy. These developments taken together constitute an integrated package, confirming the beginning of a qualitative shift in the course of the Syrian situation as a whole.

Your Task: Implementation Only...

The debate over the upcoming round of the Geneva negotiations over the Syrian crisis is becoming serious once again, in the context of the ongoing preparations for the resumption of these negotiations on the 28th of this month, as the international envoy announced.

The Solution... and the Departure of all Forces

The Syrian homeland has become an open battlefield for the armies of many countries and different armed forces with different goals, objectives and roles. With the decline of the fascist forces and the approaching political solution, the fate of these forces has become part of the media discourse of the various forces, and there is no doubt that the departure of all foreign forces without exception, later, is considered in principle a legitimate national demand, on the grounds that such a presence is a violation of national sovereignty, regardless of its primacy, the justification of it, its legitimacy or its conformity or non-conformity with international law…