Displaying items by tag: Syrian Crisis

Hardline Positions are Deadlocked

Observers of evolution of the Syrian crisis since 2011 have noticed that any hardline position taken by any side has always led to equally hard line ones from the other side, so that the law of action and reaction was the predominant and determining factor in directing the development of events.

Press Release about the Consultative Meeting in Riyadh

A consultative meeting between the three opposition platforms - Moscow, Riyadh and Cairo - took place on Monday (August 21st) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, at the invitation of the High Negotiations Committee.

The Reasons for not Joining, and What's Next..?!

1- The decision by the Syrian Opposition Change and Liberation Front of not taking part is circumstantial, and has to do with the Riyadh group domination over the formation of the Syrian opposition delegation to Geneva. That platform has practically mourned the upcoming round through its Feb 11 statement that falls in contradiction with the UNSC Resolution 2254.

Statement by Change and Liberation Front

After years of envisaging the choice of the political solution, and after having this choice  being established as the only solution for the Syrian crisis, the leadership of the Change and Liberation Front declares that , under the current conditions, it is not going to take part in the upcoming round of Geneva Intra-Syrian Talks. This comes as a protest against the conduct of the UN Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, that gives special advantages to the Riyadh platform, enabling it from controlling the opposition delegation, despite its Feb 11 statement that violates the UNSCR 2254, and despite its well known positions during the previous rounds, all resulting in blowing up every effort to reach a political solution.

Lavarov reiterates «exclusive rights of Syrians»

The official Syrian news agency SANA, quoted Syrian Presidency Facebook page saying on May 27, 2016, that «any draft constitution of any type was not presented to the Syrian Arab Republic.