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The Guarantees and the Concessions

The media space is filled these days with all kinds of political lies and various types of “proposals for solutions” that have in common the fact that they are all outside UNSC Resolution 2254. One such example is the talk about a “military council”. Moreover, there are those who are deluded or delude others that there is a possibility in Syria for normalization with the Zionist entity, and those who propagate this delusion do not know that whoever takes such a step in Syria is committing a public and free suicide.


The Size of the Bubble… and the Size of the Opportunity

Talk about a “military council leading the transitional phase” is still going on in the media outlets and social media platforms. It is understandable that some Syrians, through their interaction therewith are expressing their urgent need to get out of the catastrophic and deadly swamp of the grinding crisis that has been going on for 10 years, even if by “clinging to invisible ropes”. However, what must be understood are the objectives of those who manufacture the invisible ropes and get people embroiled in clinging thereto.

For Syria to be Fine…

In a few weeks, it will be ten years since the crisis exploded in the country, a crisis that multiplies in severity and pressure every year.


What’s After the Fifth Round?

A few days ago, the Syrian Constitutional Committee wrapped up its fifth round of work, and as expected, without any results. It has become quite clear, through experience, what we have repeatedly emphasized, which is that the Constitutional Committee is merely a key to the political process, that is, a key to implementing UNSC Resolution 2254, and it cannot accomplish definitive results without achieving two things:

Syrian Entitlements

On Monday, the 25th of this month, the works of the fifth round of the Syrian Constitutional Committee – which has not accomplished anything significant up to the present moment – will begin.


“The Zionist Frenzy”… A Good Premonition!

On the surface, it seems as if the Syrian crisis will continue for many years to come. Of course, one cannot blame ordinary Syrians who believe this insinuation, for many reasons, including:

Bigger than Trump… Further than “Democracy”

Statements by Macron, Merkel, and other European leaders regarding the “Black Wednesday” the US lived were not statements of “solidarity”, but rather an expression of panic and fear of the horror of the scene that threatens of the “water reaching their shores”.

Four Messages in the New Year

With the dawn of a new year of the Syrian catastrophe, and because “your friend is one who is truthful with you, not the one who believes you”, we believe it is useful to share with the sides we believe have an interest in resolving the Syrian crisis, our views and observations about the stage the country has reached and the ways out of the disaster. We summarize this in the following messages: