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Comprehending the Meaning of Extremism!

Extremism in the public political field can be simply defined as being detached from reality, manifested by insisting on raising unattainable slogans. The extremists, over time, reach a satisfactory and chronic state of denial. We can see this in the Syrian case with an endless number of examples and it does not stop at the limits of “settling matters” (as in the regime settling things militarily) and “toppling” (as in toppling the regime).

Who is Obstructing the Political Solution and How?

Usually, attempts to sabotage and escalate intensify with every step accomplished towards the political solution; this is always understandable and expected, and employed by those – from all sides – who have no interest in a solution.

It Is 2254 Syrian Time, Right Now!

Since the moment of its issuance in late 2015, the UNSC Resolution 2254 has represented a condensed expression of two fundamental issues. The first is the new international balance of power by which the global US-Western bullying is over, which consequently means the end of the era characterized by imposition of the forms of governance and economy on independent states from outside, whether this was used to be done through direct traditional colonialism, various forms of neo-colonialism, or through variant and complex combinations of both.

Humanity's Dream and the Syrian Dream

The current global crisis continues to deepen, escalate, and become broader in its various dimensions – humanitarian, environmental, economic, and social. It is a crisis of a very specific and unique type, one that can change the course of history qualitatively, radically, and revolutionarily.

Regarding the Alleged “Meeting” of the Negotiations Commission

On March 29, The Syrian Coalition of the Syrian Opposition held an internal virtual meeting, which was attended by some of the former independents within the Negotiations Commission as well as some representatives of the "military factions component", some of whom do not hide their explicit affiliation with the Coalition.

Sympathy, Solidarity: The Spirit of the New World

The prevailing world order – not only in the last century, but also since searching for gold campaigns set off, which later developed into the old colonialism campaigns – has enshrined the principle of profit as the supreme principle from which various other "principles" are derived.

Human Civilization at a Crossroads

The global crisis is escalating day after day, in its economic, political, and humanitarian components. The novel Coronavirus is topping headlines, even though its impact is no less catastrophic than that of the oil price crisis


Corona Topples the Western Crown!

A global state of terror is spreading not only due to the Coronavirus (corona Latin for “crown”) alone, but also because Western governments are intentionally reinforcing this state. In parallel, there is something big, mighty, and historical, happening, even though to this moment it is not getting enough attention.

Moscow Agreement and the Bitter Disappointment

The agreement signed by the Russian and Turkish presidents on the fifth of this March represented a great shock, and even bitter disappointment for the US, and for the hardliners from both sides of the Syrian crisis who are hostile towards the political solution, and who have been wishing that the differences between Russia and Turkey would reach the point of ultimate explosion of Astana, and perhaps even the explosion of Turkey itself from within.