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Last Saturday, during the television program “The Last Edition”, on “Israeli” Channel 12, journalist Ehud Yaari admitted that: “The gas for power generation that will be transported from Egypt to Lebanon via pipes through Jordan and Syria, is Israeli gas”. This is the first “Israeli” admission of the truth of something that was not difficult for serious researchers to reach themselves.
The events of the past two months show a “detour” (or a “sudden turn”) in the way the West deals with the Syrian file. The West, in the political sense, though it is under American leadership, includes, in addition to Britain, France, and others, Arab countries such as Jordan, the UAE, and others.
Information indicates that there has been agreement to hold the sixth round of meetings of the small group of the constitutional committee, to take place during the second half of next month.
It has become clear and tangible that the entire world is experiencing a major transition from the American unipolar system to a new world that cannot be reduced to saying “multipolarity”, though the latter is itself a stage within the same comprehensive transition.
Things have calmed down in Daraa al-Balad during the past week with the reaching of an agreement under Russian auspices and with Russian monitoring of implementation, though there is still a certain degree of tension in other parts of the Daraa governorate.
The past few weeks have witnessed a lot of talk about what is being called the “Arab Gas Pipeline”, which is supposed to start from Egypt, going through Jordan, to Syria and Lebanon. Additionally, one of the pipeline’s branches will reach – according to the Egyptian media – between the Egyptian Arish and occupied Ashkelon, with the possibility of an additional branch reaching Iraq.
The crisis in its newest side in the Syrian governorate of Daraa is still ongoing, with no solutions. This crisis in itself has become additional evidence, not of a situation specific to one part of Syria, but to the overall Syrian situation for years. The situation is intensifying in that every new crisis that emerges – starting with the chronic living crises in the various forms, to security, political, and social crises – gets added to the preceding crises and remains unresolved, even increasing in severity as time passes.
What is the reality you imagine when the executive authorities in a country talk about topics such as: alternative energy, service automation, and attracting investment? Such topics can be sub-tasks in the agenda of a region or local government within a stable country. However, surprisingly, they are main topics in Syria 2021: the year that is witnessing the most severe socio-economic collapse within the ten years of the greatest humanitarian disaster after WW2!
In 2017, the World Health Organization estimated that nearly 3 million people in Syria are war-injured, and are suffering from disabilities at different levels. That is, nearly 15% of the population in Syria back then were living with the pain and the direct consequences of war on their bodies. The vast majority of them are forgotten, and they are not surrounded by any “special care” or compensation, not even by the cameras of international organizations.
More than two months have passed since the beginning of the latest tension in the Syrian province of Daraa, particularly around the neighborhood of Daraa al-Balad, which is inhabited by more than 50,000 Syrians.