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Сочи удалось ...

несмотря на большое количество препятствий, и провокаций, которые были поставлены на пути участия Московской платформы в сочинском процессе со стороны всех радикалов, экстремистов, сторонников жесткой линии различных политических сил включая кампании по запугиванию, Московская платформа приняла участие в конгрессе Национального диалога в Сочи 29-30 января 2018 года.

Sochi did succeed

Statement by Moscow platform

The Moscow Platform participated in the National Dialogue Conference in Sochi on 29-30 January 2018, despite the large number of obstacles, obstructions, and provocations that have been put in the path of this participation by the extremists of various parties, including intimidation and terrifying campaigns.


Real Solution vs. Mined Solution

Opponents of the political solution tried to mix the cards again in the Syrian crisis, after bombing of the situation in the north of Syria, the Turkish aggression on Afrin, and the «non-paper» of the five states group.

Syrian Negotiating Commission: not with nor against Sochi

We are members of the Syrian Negotiating Commission of the opposition, who attended the meeting of the Commission in Vienna on 26-01-2018. We are 10 members who voted yes to the decision to go to Sochi, out of the 34 members who are the whole number of the attendance in Vienna, ie, the members of those who refused to attend in Sochi are 24. Since the ratio to pass any political decision in the Commission is 26 out of 36, that means the Commission has not made a decision not to go to Sochi, nor has it made a decision to go.

For Speeding up the Implementation of 2254

Since the Syrian crisis has become internationalized and out of the Syrians’ control, the main task has been the restoration of the Syrians’ decision and sovereignty.


Сыновья сирийского народа!

Кризису в Сирии уже почти восемь лет, однако кровопролитие продолжается из-за фанатичной иллюзии радикалов, что его можно разрешить военным путем, а также из-за поддержки террористических формирований (ДАИШ и «Джебхат Ан-Нусры») внешними силами, враждебными сирийскому народу.

An Appeal #For_Syrians

Syrian people!

The crisis is almost eight years old, and Syrian bloodshed continues as a result of the extremists’ delusions – here and there – of a military resolution of the crisis, and also because of the support of the external forces hostile to the Syrian people for “Daesh” (ISIS), and “Al Nusra” terrorist groups.

Sochi Bugaboo

The process of the political solution to the Syrian crisis has suffered from many forms of obstruction, and various forms of friction, depending on the level of development of this process and its progress and approach to reach its logical end.


Against the Current

The media is being flooded with an unprecedented campaign, rising to the level of organized media terrorism. This campaign is ostensibly attacking the [intra-Syrian] National Dialogue Conference, but in depth it is a campaign against the political solution, and against Resolution 2254, and against the Russian role, regardless of the poor interpretations and explanations made by the staff of war involved in this campaign, for the purpose of raising suspicions, distortion, and falsification, against this entitlement.