US Elections: A Story Outside the Box

The box of ideas related to the US elections, not only the current ones, but throughout many decades, appears to be tightly locked within the limits of the competition between the two ruling parties.

If a Fasiq Brings News…

The story began with the article published in Asharq Al-Awsat on October 11 entitled: “Syrian File: Moscow, Damascus Disagree Over 10 Contentious Points”. (Here is a link to the Arabic version of the article which is the main subject of…

About “Communismphobia” in the US… Other Dimensions

My colleague Reem Issa discussed in an article entitled Why is “Communismphobia” Returning to the US?, and from several angles: the increasing amount of talking about communism and socialism in the US over the last few years, and in recent…

Why is “Communismphobia” Returning to the US?

Post WWII, as a new world system was emerging, each of the major powers tried to establish its position within the new world balance to tip the scale in its favor, whether politically, economically, militarily, etc.

Какие политические цели скрываются за катастрофической ситуации с пожарами и освещением этой темы в СМИ?

Одновременно с умышленно «устроенными» пожарами, уничтожающими средиземноморское побережье Сирии, в социальных сетях, и особенно на страницах Фейсбука, вспыхнули «пожары» другого рода. Представители «интеллигенции», журналисты и политики, в основном, из числа лояльных правящему режиму лиц, приложили максимум усилий для того, чтобы…