Washington: “I don’t Want this War to End!”

The perpetuation of the clashing means delaying declaration of the victor! This is what Washington is working on today, and we can clearly observe this behavior if we perform a panoramic mapping of its global behavior.

Indeed, Nasr Al-Hariri is “Patriotic and Nationalist”!

After he performed his sabotaging role over two and a half years within the Negotiations Commission in its second version, and before that for about another two years in the delegation of the Negotiations Commissions in its first version, al-Hariri…

​​​​​​​Кадри Джамиль: «Мы планируем сотрудничать с АДС»

Член Президиума Центрального совета Партии народной воли Кадри Джамиль подтвердил, что меморандум о взаимопонимании, который был подписан с Ассамблеей демократической Сирии 31 августа этого года, представляет собой качественный скачок в политической жизни Сирии. Он также указал, что они планируют в…

Alone in the Security Council Corner… Again!

For the second time in nearly two weeks, the US finds itself alone against the greatest majority of the Security Council members in a proposed resolution. While the details vary, the main idea is that the US is increasingly and…

Two Mirrors for the Syrian National Identity

Last Saturday, the third round of the Syrian Constitutional Committee wrapped up its work in Geneva, and it does not seem to have produced anything new compared to the preceding two rounds. I will not talk here about the feasibility…