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It is impossible to rely on any statistics for the number of Syrian refugees, whether UN numbers or those of host countries, because on the one hand, the numbers are conflicting, and on the other, there are large numbers of Syrians abroad due to the crisis who have no refugee status.
Recently, “new” interpretations have been spreading around, which are variations on Sadat’s saying: “99% of the cards are in the America’s hand”. Things such as: “America reprieves but does not neglect” or that the whistle is still in the hands of “the American referee”, which decides the rules of the game and when it starts and ends. However, as Galileo said after being prosecuted for being heretical because he insisted that the Earth revolves around the sun, not the other way around: “And yet, it moves (revolves)”.
It can be said with some approximation, that the Zionist project has gone from 1948 until now through three main phases:
Since the outset, subsidization policies were an expression of wages not being sufficient for those who receive them to reach the minimum standard of living. Therefore, it was necessary to subsidize them, whether by fixing the prices of some basic commodities such as fuel, electricity, and bread, for example, or by other means.
The threat facing a Syria with unified territories and people still exists, with each additional day of delay in reaching a comprehensive solution and a real way out of the catastrophe.
The Ministry of Internal Trade and Costumer Protection has set the price per liter for sunflower’s seed oil through the “smart card” at 7200 SP, and with only one bottle per month per family. This has become a valid resolution to be applied starting from Saturday, November 06, 2021, and it has been rightly criticized by both citizens and experts (even in official newspapers) that this price is much higher than global prices and it has an exorbitant profit margin. In the following article, we try to calculate the profit rates of vegetable “frying oil” in two methods (or two scenarios) giving the fact that there are no enough official revelations regarding the data of import to Syria so that data to be sufficient for accurate calculation, so we can only resort to global publications and current statements. However, bot the most optimistic and most pessimistic calculations refer to profit rates that can only be described as full-fledged plunder, as through various methods we have found that the profit rate is no less than 100% and may reach 746%.
What has been constant during all the years of the crisis, in addition to the roles of the extremists among Syrians, who are governed by their selfish interests, is that the role of the West, headed by Washington, and in close cooperation with “Israel”, has worked from the outset against a political solution, using various tools and methods, not the last of which are sanctions and an embargo.
Over the past month, resolutions about raising internet, landline, and cellphone fees by the Syrian Telecom, “Syriatel” and “MTN” mobile network providers have taken place. As for landline and the internet, the increase included raising the prices of calls and corporate packages, as landline service fees has increased from 200 to 500 SP, while international calls and home fiber internet service have increased by 100%, whereas increase rates in internet packages have reached 40% to 70%. Also, the price of a cellphone minute for prepaid lines has increased from 13 to 18 SP, and for postpaid lines from 11 to 15 SP. In addition to increasing the prices of internet services for cellphone by varying rates and according to the service type.
Northeastern Syria has been going through a tense and complex situation for several weeks, as a result of the many entanglements therein, and under the impact of continuous Turkish threats of a new aggression.
The entirety of humanity is experiencing a violent struggle in the face of the Western project, with its new-old coordinates, which seeks within “The Great Reset” to jump over the intractable capitalist crisis through a criminal vertical expansion after the possibilities of getting out of crises through horizontal expansion have ended.