Displaying items by tag: United States

What is Expected of the Putin-Biden Summit? Generally, and in the Syrian Issue

Numerous readings and analyses have started to abundantly appear, about the Putin-Biden summit, which may be held sometime next month. The fact is that many details about this summit are still unknown, including the venue (which was said to be a third country, meaning neither in Russia nor the US), its date (next month is an approximate timeframe that has been indicated without specifying a specific day), and perhaps the most important unknown detail about this summit is whether or not it will actually happen.

Bigger than Trump… Further than “Democracy”

Statements by Macron, Merkel, and other European leaders regarding the “Black Wednesday” the US lived were not statements of “solidarity”, but rather an expression of panic and fear of the horror of the scene that threatens of the “water reaching their shores”.

Potential Elections Violence on the Threshold of US Election Day

Today, 3 November 2020, is expected to witness “historical” elections in the US, and the few days leading to it are indicative thereof. Perhaps the key word in the matter is the reflection of the general world scene, including the change that the world order is undergoing, more than ever in the US.


You Will Normalize… Or Else…

It is no secret that the US has been using different means to push Arab states toward normalization with “Israel”. These means have been for the most part indirect, and using different channels – diplomatic, political, military, civil society, development programs, etc. Though being indirect does not mean necessarily undetectable or unnoticeable; to the contrary, they are often quite obvious. However, we have seen over the last few years more blatant US efforts to push towards normalization with “Israel.”

“Caesar”: A Quagmire and Political Deceit

The new US sanctions package, or the Caesar Act, came into effect yesterday, Wednesday, with a “spectacle” involving cheering, applause, and welcoming on the part of that type of personalities, who were nine years ago begging for external intervention in its various forms, especially militaristic.

The American and Syrian Crises, and 2254

As the overall American crisis deepens with its various dimensions – economic, social, political, and even cultural and ideological – its repercussions frequently reflect on Washington’s foreign policies.

Comprehending the Meaning of Extremism!

Extremism in the public political field can be simply defined as being detached from reality, manifested by insisting on raising unattainable slogans. The extremists, over time, reach a satisfactory and chronic state of denial. We can see this in the Syrian case with an endless number of examples and it does not stop at the limits of “settling matters” (as in the regime settling things militarily) and “toppling” (as in toppling the regime).

Key Points in Understanding the Oil Crisis

The price of a barrel of US crude oil in the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) decreased by 300% in one day, and it was getting traded at a price close to minus $40. This is a very unusual phenomenon, but it does occur in major crises such as the global recession of 2020, which took off forcefully. Listed herein are some points and explanations thereof about the US oil market collapses.