Sanctions and Corruption: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Western countries continue to tighten their economic sanctions on Syria, at various levels, including sanctions on individuals and institutions, as well as threats of sanctions against other countries if they deal with Syria economically.

Signs of US Fluctuation and its Fates

James Jeffrey was reemerged from his almost three-month lull: since Trump announced the withdrawal of his forces from Syria until the beginning of the last week. He reappeared repeating his same «goals» that he had put forward since his appointment,…

Syrian-Turkish Relations and the New World

He loses his understanding of reality and falls into errors ranging from minor to major, in the national sense, the one who views Astana as a temporary or transitory understanding related to Syria.

Astana... Who is with it and Who is Against it?

Anyone who tries to understand the Syrian crisis can look at Astana's path, its development and impact, as one of the components of this understanding. But stopping at this point in reading, that is to say, to consider Astana as…

How to Restore National Sovereignty?

Article 2 of Chapter 1 of the current Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic, states that «Sovereignty is an attribute of the people; and no individual or group may claim sovereignty. Sovereignty shall be based on the principle of the…

Socialism is the Solution!

«America will never be a socialist country», said Donald Trump in his annual State of the Union address, in front of members of the Congress a few days ago. Not only this, but he also added: «We are alarmed by…

What Does the Talk about the Adana Agreement Mean?

During the last week, intensive Russian, Turkish and Syrian statements emerged on the Adana agreement which was signed between Syria and Turkey in 1998 concerning the way of dealing with the PKK. The statements of the three parties expressed their…

No Safety Before US Exit!

The term "safe zone" has returned to circulate again after it disappeared for consecutive years, through various statements by Trump, Erdogan and others, and this time it is about northeastern Syria, or parts of it.

Restore Sovereignty of the Syrian People

The overwhelming majority of Syrians suffer from severe economic and living conditions in which the crisis continues unabated, from electricity to gas and fuel oil to exchange rate disruptions, the rapid deterioration of public services and transport crises, as well…