Displaying items by tag: Syrian opposition

Your Task: Implementation Only...

The debate over the upcoming round of the Geneva negotiations over the Syrian crisis is becoming serious once again, in the context of the ongoing preparations for the resumption of these negotiations on the 28th of this month, as the international envoy announced.

The Solution... and the Departure of all Forces

The Syrian homeland has become an open battlefield for the armies of many countries and different armed forces with different goals, objectives and roles. With the decline of the fascist forces and the approaching political solution, the fate of these forces has become part of the media discourse of the various forces, and there is no doubt that the departure of all foreign forces without exception, later, is considered in principle a legitimate national demand, on the grounds that such a presence is a violation of national sovereignty, regardless of its primacy, the justification of it, its legitimacy or its conformity or non-conformity with international law…

Besiege Your Siege

The declaration of breaking the siege imposed on Deir al-Zour represents a new phase in the history of the Syrian crisis. Most analyses and readings of the event indicate that it is a continuation of the series of field defeats of Daesh [ISIS] terrorist organization. In addition, this event consolidates the appropriate atmosphere for a new advance on the path of the political process, and push it to the stage of direct negotiations between the regime and the opposition, especially as the process goes in parallel with expansion of the de-escalation zones.

Hardline Positions are Deadlocked

Observers of evolution of the Syrian crisis since 2011 have noticed that any hardline position taken by any side has always led to equally hard line ones from the other side, so that the law of action and reaction was the predominant and determining factor in directing the development of events.

Press Release about the Consultative Meeting in Riyadh

A consultative meeting between the three opposition platforms - Moscow, Riyadh and Cairo - took place on Monday (August 21st) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, at the invitation of the High Negotiations Committee.