Kassioun Editorial 1191: The Syrian-Turkish Settlement, Between Fears and Intimidation!

Kassioun Editorial 1191: The Syrian-Turkish Settlement, Between Fears and Intimidation!

For several weeks now, a protest movement has been emerging in some areas in northwestern Syria, trying to work against a Syrian-Turkish settlement. It has expressed itself in part by standing against the reopening of the “Abu al-Zandin” crossing, in addition to a number of other activities and events.

This movement has a significant popular reach, based on three main things:

First: The accumulated resentment within people towards the de facto authorities and the main factions controlling the northwest, which have practiced and continue to practice different forms of oppression and corruption. People additionally distrust these forces and any position they adopt, whether positive or negative.

Second: The living experience that people see of the so-called “normalization with the regime” processes, which were carried out by Arab states and now by European countries, which suggests that any future settlement, including the Syrian-Turkish one, will not go beyond the same framework that preserves – at best – the status quo.

Third: Fears, which are being widely fueled, that a Syrian-Turkish settlement will be achieved at the expense of the people in the northwest and against their interests.

While these three factors contribute to laying a popular foundation for the ongoing protests, this does not change the fact that the real stakeholders in working against the Syrian-Turkish settlement are not the protesters themselves, but rather a spectrum of forces starting with the US and “Israel” and extending to the warlords who benefit from the continued de facto division, including extremists within the regime and the opposition alike.

What should be understood and clear regarding the Syrian-Turkish settlement are the following basic matters:

First: Previous “normalization” processes, such as the UAE normalization, mostly came within the framework of the American “step for step” project, which aims to continue the crisis, prolong it, and legitimize the status quo for all de facto forces, leading to dividing the country, and implicitly by completely undermining the political solution and undermining UNSC Resolution 2254, as some European countries have recently begun to declare almost publicly.

Second: The Syrian-Turkish settlement process comes within a completely different framework, which is the Astana and 2254 framework. This means that it will only take place as a parallel between withdrawal of Turkish forces and implementation of the comprehensive political solution, with all that carries therewithin in terms of direct negotiations, the formation of a consensus-based transitional governing body, the constitution, elections, etc.

Third: The main forces that have no interest in the Syrian-Turkish settlement are the same ones with no interest in a political solution in Syria that leads not only to restoring the unity of Syria and its people, but also, primarily, to a radical change based on the right of the Syrian people to self-determination and determining the type of regime they want for the future Syria. At the forefront of these internal forces are the extremists in both the regime and the opposition, who are satisfied with the continuation of the de facto division. which turns them into sectarian lords and warlords. As for these forces at the external level, it is primarily Washington along with “Israel”, both of which have absolutely no interest in stability in our region. On the contrary, their interest is in spreading and deepening the comprehensive hybrid chaos.

In conclusion, the forthcoming Syrian-Turkish settlement will be an important expression of the new international balance in our region, one in which the Americans and the “Israelis” will not be the only losers, but with them the forces affiliated with them in various forms. These including the big corruption and oppression forces, which have worked all along as brokers for Western interests in our country, and which have been the greatest contributor to the Syrian blood shedding, and the oppression, destruction and displacement of Syrians.

(النسخة العربية)

Last modified on Sunday, 08 September 2024 20:21