Kassioun Editorial 1182: Is the Syrian-Turkish Settlement Imminent?

Kassioun Editorial 1182: Is the Syrian-Turkish Settlement Imminent?

The People’s Will Party (PWP) took a supportive position for an Astana-sponsored Syrian-Turkish settlement from the outset of talking about this subject in mid-2022. It is not an exaggeration to say that the PWP was among the first to ponder this idea and its importance on the pages of Kassioun even before it was announced. Despite the usual and expected attacks from the enemies of the political solution on all sides, nevertheless, the PWP continued to defend, explain, and interpret its position through a number of articles and studies.

Among the most important of the PWP’s position from the issue are the following:

  • The Syrian-Turkish settlement project is part of an effort whose center is Astana, with participation by China and key Arab states. The project aims to get Syria to a state of stability based on a comprehensive political solution based on UNSC Resolution 2254, and in complete opposition to the US’ destructive comprehensive chaos approach. Said approach has over the past years put on several masks, including “changing the regime’s behavior”, “step for step”, and others, which were led by the Abrahamic normalization countries, especially the UAE.
  • This settlement is not merely a gateway for the Turkish military to leave Syria, but also a gateway to apply more pressure on the American military present in Syria in order to expel it. Therefore, it is a tool in restoring the unity of Syria.
  • The settlement is also an essential gateway to breaking Western sanctions and blockade, especially the American ones, through Syria’s longest land borders, which exceed 900 km, and connects Syria with the east, including Russia, Iran, India, and China, thus allowing Syria to actually benefit from the Belt and Road and the Eurasian projects.
  • The nature of the existing regional and international balances, with the chronic retreat in the Western forces ranks, puts us in a position of equal standing with Turkey at the settlement-negotiations table, and permits us to resolve a number of outstanding issues, which are not limited to the military presence, but go beyond that to issues relating to water and other things.
  • Turkey is the center of gravity of Syrian refugees and reaching a settlement with Turkey will open the door to securing suitable conditions for hundreds of thousands and possibly millions to return over the next few years, which is very important for Syria’s revival and reconstruction.
  • Any Syrian-Turkish settlement will be part of a comprehensive package related to the political solution, stability, and refugees. The settlement will not be in any way a copy of the pattern of Arab rapprochement with Syria led by countries like UAE. At the same time, it will be an additional incentive to put a Saudi and Egyptian rapprochement with Syria in a more permanent and serious framework.

The new wave of work on a Syrian-Turkish settlement, which we are currently experiencing, is characterized by being more serious, determined, and persistent than the previous wave. This is primarily due to the growing imbalance in the international balance of power, where the forces hostile to Western sabotage plans are moving from a state of resistance to a state or attack, and from a state of preventing the West’s projects from getting through to a state of implementing their own projects.

Our interest as Syrians largely intersects with anyone who stands in the face of Western dominance and sabotage in our region, and the only true path for the political solution through 2254 is in breaking the Americans’ will in our region. In this sense, the Syrian-Turkish settlement can become a major turning point in the path of the Syrian crisis towards a comprehensive solution.

In this context, extremists from all side, who are still counting on the Americans, should distance themselves from the US as soon as possible and give up the illusions the Americans have been selling to the extremists. That would save the extremists, and more importantly it would decrease the suffering and shorten the pains path along which the Syrian people are moving, and take them toward its forthcoming salvation.


(النسخة العربية)