Displaying items by tag: political solution

Kassioun Editorial 1184: Only 2254 and Nothing Else… In Its Entirety and Now! stars

On the outside, things appear to be stagnant in Syria in the political sense. Whether it is talking about the brakes applied against the progress of the Syrian-Turkish settlement, or about the People’s Assembly elections that passed as if they had not happened, or about the West’s formal continuation of its same policies, and other indicators that are relied upon to say that nothing has changed and nothing will change anytime soon.

Kassioun Editorial 1182: Is the Syrian-Turkish Settlement Imminent?

The People’s Will Party (PWP) took a supportive position for an Astana-sponsored Syrian-Turkish settlement from the outset of talking about this subject in mid-2022. It is not an exaggeration to say that the PWP was among the first to ponder this idea and its importance on the pages of Kassioun even before it was announced. Despite the usual and expected attacks from the enemies of the political solution on all sides, nevertheless, the PWP continued to defend, explain, and interpret its position through a number of articles and studies.

Kassioun Editorial 1125: It is Time for Syrian-Syrian Dialogue stars

Positive developments continue at the international and regional levels, and there are indications that they will soon be reflected on the Syrian arena. While the general tendency is still constantly moving towards further retreat of the Western powers, at the heart of which is the US, and with it the entire old world order, in parallel there is continuous progress of the rising powers that have taken significant steps in expanding their alliances as well as in working to settle regional crises that have been unresolved for decades, the Saudi-Iranian settlement being one example.

Press Statement by Moscow Platform stars

Press Statement

Moscow Platform

Representatives of the Moscow Platform for the Syrian Opposition in the Syrian Negotiation Commission (SNC) - Alaa Arafat, Youssef Salman, Sami Betinjane, Mohannad Dlykan - are heading to attend the SNC's next meeting on 2-3-4 June, in Geneva. This comes after an over 3.5 year interruption in the Platform's participation in any SNC activity, as a result of several pending controversial issues, especially since an arbitrary and illegal decision was taken against the Platform. The decision was to revoke the membership of one of the Platform's representatives in the SNC and its representative to the Syrian Constitutional Committee's Small Group, Mohannad Dlykan, after calling for transferring the Constitutional Committee's work to Damascus while securing the necessary guarantees for that, a position the Platform continues to see as the correct one and continues to demand it.

Preliminary Notes on the Autonomous Administration’s Initiative stars

On Tuesday, April 18, the Autonomous Administration in North and East Syria (AANES) published a document entitled “An initiative to solve the Syrian crisis”. Those who issued the document called on the various Syrian forces to consider it.

After The Earthquake, A Syrian-Turkish Settlement Is More Urgent stars

(The following article was originally published on geopolitika.ru website)


On Tuesday, February 14, a Russian MFA media release about a meeting between Mikhail Bogdanov, the Special Representative of the Russian President, and Kadri Jamil, one of the Syrian Opposition leaders, stated: “the Russian side stressed the need to establish practical cooperation between Damascus and Ankara in order to overcome the consequences of the earthquake on February 6.”

This statement confirms Russia’s pursuit of a Syrian-Turkish settlement, which over the seven months preceding the earthquake, was the main item on the agenda of the Astana Format (for Syria peace talks).

A Syrian-Turkish Settlement to Break the Sanctions

For the Syrian public, inside and outside Syria, the humanitarian aspect related to the earthquake disaster and the deep pain it left behind, as well as to their crisis that erupted 12 years ago, is always the most valued and important aspect, at least in its emotional and national side. For the political sides, especially the extremists, as well as for the external powers, especially the Western ones, the humanitarian aspect is the least important, and it is just a tool to pass policies.

The “Captagon” Act: The Contemporary Version of the “Caesar” Act... The Objective: Perpetuating Chaos and Acting Against Astana!

Before talking about the new sanctions law and its objectives, it is worth recalling that American sponsorship of the drug trade in South America, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world is proven not only by political facts, but also by the confessions of American officials. Perhaps the most prominent of these is the role of the CIA in the drug trade in Colombia, and financing itself and its dirty operations from that trade. Likewise, under the American occupation in particular, Afghanistan went from producing 5-10% of the global opium to producing 90% of it.

Without Political Settlement; “No Economy” and “No Syria”.

The Syrian economic situation is controlled by politics with all its details and daily events, and it is shackled with high obstaces that can not be surpassed through half solutions but only through a comprehensive political settlement which reconstitutes the country, brings its parts together, and ends the dispersal of its people. All politically and economically active powers in the Syrian situation are clearly aware of this fact, whether those who want to invest in the reconstruction of Syria and its future or those who invest in its destruction today! Those powers of “investment’ are waiting until the nature and potential of upcoming partnerships - according to their perspective - appear. At this current phase, none of them is seriously seeking to take any step except to the extent that prevents a complete collapse and allows remaining at the edge of the abyss.

Syrians' Crises are Humanitarian and Political

The long list of crises experienced by the Syrian people continues to increase both in number of its items and the depth of each of them, to the extent that it now includes all aspects of the Syrians life without exception – from bread to fuel, fires, electricity, water, education, and health crises, in addition to the catastrophic living condition that is worsening day after day in parallel with the escalating brutality of high prices and the major plunderers and their policies, and in addition to all of these there are also the sanctions and siege. The crises of refugees, and externally as well as internally displaced persons also continue to deepen, in addition to the crisis of detainees, kidnapped and missing persons – all of these crises continue without any tangible solutions.