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Food System in Syria: Wasting and Stunting are Threatening Millions of Children.

The catastrophic economic and social repercussions of the Syrian crisis have affected society in general, but they have affected the situation of Syrian children more deeply, entrenching them as the most vulnerable and fragile group in the country. Part of this group was forcibly pushed into the labour market in order to contribute to their families efforts to fill the huge difference between the minimum costs of food for the family and the minimum of wages. At the same time, most of these children live under conditions that threaten them with consequences throughout their entire lifetime. 

Kassioun Editorial 1079: Astana Summit… Proceed Forward!

Since the Syrian crisis erupted in 2011, we have argued that dialogue and a political solution are the only way out. It took a year and a half for the Geneva Communiqué to be issued in June 2012, which endorsed the principle of a political solution, but the battles on the ground continued and escalated. Then, more years passed until UNSC Resolution 2254 was adopted at the end of 2015, which laid out the map for the solution and became an important turning point, not only at the Syrian level, but also at the international level as an indication of the beginning of an actual entry into the new international balance stage. Despite that, ending the military operations did not succeed until a qualitatively new international-regional process was formed, which is the Astana process that emerged at the end of 2016, and was not able to end the conflict in its military form until mid-2019.

Kassioun Editorial 1078: Socialism… Again!

During a meeting last Tuesday with the leaders of the political parties of the Duma, in response to the call to put “socialist tasks into practice”, Putin said: “I don’t see anything bad in the socialist idea, the issue is how to implement it, especially with regard to the economic situation”.

De-Dollarization of the Global Economy: No Longer a Far-Fetched Issue

The global financial system reflects the way in which international economic exchanges, pricing mechanisms, exchanging between currencies, and the settlement of financial payments are arranged. As is the case in all historic phenomena, the international financial system is not eternal, rather a phenomenon that evolves according to the changes in circumstances and balances.  

Kassioun Editorial 1077: It is the Astana Group’s Turn!

Since its inception at the end of 2016, the Astana process has played a pivotal and essential role in ending the military form of the conflict in Syria. It took until the end of 2019 to stop this side of the conflict almost completely.

Kassioun Editorial 1076: Syria, in a Race Against Time

The suffocating and deadly crises that the Syrians are experiencing are deepening and multiplying on a daily basis. Starting with the wage crisis, the purchasing value of which has become trivial compared to the the minimum standard of living needs, not to mention the disastrous conditions of electricity, production, fuel, bread, water, education, and health. To top it all, there is also the continuing bulldozing and uprooting of Syrians from their land due to the list of these crises that goes on and on to include all aspects of life, almost without any exceptions.

Мирная водородная бомба Брикса! Что произошло между Киссинджером-Давосом и Путиным-Петербургом?

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В этой статье делается попытка экстраполировать изменение, произошедшее между 23 числам прошлого месяца, датой, когда British Telegraph опубликовала «шокирующие» заявления Киссинджера об Украине, и прошлой пятницей, 17 числа этого месяца, днем, когда Путин выступил с речью в Санкт-Петербурге. Петербургский экономический форум, на котором он сказал: Однополярная система закончилась, и она больше не вернется».

Rehabilitation of Industry Worldwide: How Did Syria Eliminate its Manufacturing Industry?

With each passing day, and with every additional complication and blow to the global economy, it is becoming increasingly clearer that only the countries that have maintained and developed their production systems – particularly the real production in industry, agriculture, and others – are the ones able to be resilient and ensure the living conditions of their people considerably, and away from the corny use of slogans about resilience.

Kassioun Editorial 1075: Big Risks and Time is the Biggest One!

For over a month, there have been Turkish statements about the possibility of a new aggression on northern Syria, under the name of a “military operation”. Although a number of new arrangements and the recent Astana meeting have significantly reduced this possibility, it still exists.