A Statement by Secular Democratic Delegation (Moscow Istana Platforms) to Geneva

A Statement by Secular Democratic Delegation (Moscow Istana Platforms) to Geneva

The Secular Democratic Delegation emanating from Moscow Istana Platforms to Geneva has studied the emerging situation in the current round of Geneva -3. It stresses that any breaking, postponement or effort-wasting attempts in this maneuver harms the efforts exerted to crystalize the political solution of the Syrian crisis, making a contribution in increasing Syrian bloodshed.

On behalf of the parties, currents, forces, and figures they represent, the Members of the Secular Democratic Delegation condemn  any civilian targeting operation, whoever the perpetrators were.
 The unjustified targeting of the civilians, and the fall of new Syrian victims on any Syrian spot, fall in contradiction with Geneva process that aims at the first place at sparing the lives of the Syrians and accomplishing the political transition, based on the overall relevant international resolutions and statements, including UNSCRs 2254, and 2268 (on truce and humanitarian access).
As the delegation deems that the majority of the Syrian people hope for sparing their blood, preserving their country's sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, it emphasizes that any attempt to crippling or suspending Geneva, under any pretext, would only add water, regardless of intentions, to the mills of the hardliners of the different sides of the conflict in and on Syria, who refuse and resent the political solution, which nonetheless continues along its path.

Geneva, April 21, 2016
Secular Democratic Delegation
emanating from Moscow Istana Platforms