Displaying items by tag: Syrian Economy

Kassioun Editorial 1215: What Identity Does Necessity Impose for the Syrian Economy?

The issue of the extremely difficult living conditions of more than 90% of Syrians is at the top of the list of national priorities. This is not only from a humanitarian and moral perspective, both of which are sufficient in themselves, but also from a patriotic perspective, civil peace preservation perspective, and the need to prevent harmful foreign interventions and ambitions of division and sabotage that are trying to enter through every possible loophole, and behind which stand multiple sides, mainly the warlords, the major corruption figures, and the “Israeli” enemy, which does not hide – with its usual impudence – its blatant intentions to work on dividing Syria.

5.6 Million is the Average Cost of Living for the Syrian Family at the Beginning of Ramadan

With the end of the first quarter of 2023, and since before the beginning of the month of Ramadan, Syrians have directly witnessed significant increases in the prices of various necessary basic commodities. The average cost of living for a Syrian family of 5 has increased according to Kassioun index for the costs of living to jump to more than 5.6 million Syrian pounds (the minimum has reached 3,546,083 Syrian pounds). All this is happening while the minimum of wages (92,970 Syrian pounds, i.e., less than $13 a month) is still very meager and insufficient to actually cover anything from the basics of life.

Beyond the Budget Numbers for 2022... The Syrian Economy Has a Stroke.

Like its predecessors, the state's general budget for 2022 reflected the country's deteriorating situation on all fronts. The factors of war and economic sanctions, and, before this and that, the government policies followed for decades, left an economy afflicted with a heart attack and an infrastructure paralyzed in most of its sectors, which was reflected in a significant decline and deterioration in all indicators of Syrian economic performance.

In 8 Years: Syrians have lost 80% of Their Actual Wages stars

Hardly anyone argues today that official wages in Syria are no longer able to cover some of the actual costs of living. We have explained on several occasions on the pages of this newspaper that the State apparatus in the country has long stopped paying actual wages to its employees, whose number in 2020 was estimated by the Central Bureau of Statistics at 1,595,475 workers, out of 5,726,290 workers in general.

Supporting Hunger: The Syrian Loaf of Bread Amidst the Global Food Crisis

Talking about the global food crisis is no longer just speculations and warnings done by some, as the countries of the world, the countries of the global south in particular, have made real steps in this direction. At the Syrian level, where we are already suffering from food insecurity, the country is effectively left to the unknown, to be a prey between the jaws of the global food crisis, which is still not clear where it is headed yet. In addition, internal plunderers are ready to seize any crisis that increases the accumulation of wealth above their already accumulated wealth.   

Food System in Syria: Wasting and Stunting are Threatening Millions of Children.

The catastrophic economic and social repercussions of the Syrian crisis have affected society in general, but they have affected the situation of Syrian children more deeply, entrenching them as the most vulnerable and fragile group in the country. Part of this group was forcibly pushed into the labour market in order to contribute to their families efforts to fill the huge difference between the minimum costs of food for the family and the minimum of wages. At the same time, most of these children live under conditions that threaten them with consequences throughout their entire lifetime. 

Rehabilitation of Industry Worldwide: How Did Syria Eliminate its Manufacturing Industry?

With each passing day, and with every additional complication and blow to the global economy, it is becoming increasingly clearer that only the countries that have maintained and developed their production systems – particularly the real production in industry, agriculture, and others – are the ones able to be resilient and ensure the living conditions of their people considerably, and away from the corny use of slogans about resilience.

«The Grant» Will Not Cover Anything; An Actual Increase of Wages is Required

Last Thursday, April 21, Legislative Decree No. 4 of 2022 was issued, which provides for the disbursement of what is called a «grant», with a lump sum of 75 thousand Syrian pounds for civilian and military workers, and pensioners, provided that this «grant» is disbursed only once.

Due to the Organized Plunder System: Food Insecurity Prevails Syria

Estimates of the disaster affecting the food system in Syria are increasing daily at an unprecedented pace, as there is an additional number of Syrians every year getting in a state of food insecurity, not in thousands or hundreds of thousands, but in millions. This is happening at an accelerated pace, which threatens to drag more citizens into destitution and poverty.

A Long Time Ago: The State Apparatus Stopped Paying Real Wages

In the previous issue 1064, Kassioun newspaper published the index of Kassioun for the cost of living at the end of March 2022, in which it showed that the average cost of living for a Syrian family of 5 is 2.8 million Syrian pounds. It increased by about 833,405 Syrian pounds from the average cost that was recorded in the beginning of the current year. This has not been farfetched to millions of Syrians who are witnessing a daily and aggravated increase in the prices of basic food commodities necessary for their survival.