Displaying items by tag: Kassioun Newspaper Editorial

Constitutional Committee and 2254

The second session of the Small Body of the Syrian Constitutional Committee begins in Geneva on Monday, November 25, after it passed its first exam during the first session, achieving some ice-breaking, and opening the door towards a real start of the political process of full implementation of the UNSCR 2254, despite a number of provocative statements and actions, through which extremists parties - formally contradictory and fundamentally consistent - are attempting to sabotage the work of this committee and downplay it.

«The People Want»! From Lebanon This Time

The mass demonstrations that erupted in Lebanon on Sunday (October 20th) have entered their fourth consecutive day, and they are gaining momentum more and more.

The Required Role of the United Nations

Since the Syrian crisis was internationalized, the UN role for solving this crisis, and then its role for the comprehensive implementation of the UNSCR 2254, has been talked about as if it were unclearly defined role, and subjected to interpretational tensions.

Your Alignment Today Determines Your Location Tomorrow!

Three Declarations came as primary headlines in the past week, respectively: The declaration of The Central Bank of England that: «Dependence on Dollar should began to be ended and another alternative reserves currency should be looked for», and Macron declaration that «the era of Western hegemony came to an end», and finally, Trump's declaration in his dispute with the Federal Reserve Bank, in which he put forward the idea of adopting the policy of a weak dollar.

Self-Determination Without Intervention

In the last few days there have been very contradictory statements on the subject of the constitutional committee, especially from the US side, whose representative in the UN Security Council has declared that the idea has been given enough time and has not been realized, and therefore, the international envoy must abandon it, in parallel with the completion of understandings on the Committee and the approach of the declaration of its formation.

Step by Step in Parallel!

Many years have passed since the debate over which is first: the political solution or the fight against terrorism. That debate proved to be futile. Subsequent developments have shown that the extremists on both sides, who held up to one of the answers, implicitly agreed to extend the duration of the crisis because of the immaturity of "quelling" [the opposition by the regime] nor "overthrowing" [the regime by the opposition] – as their slogans claimed, at a time when the obvious answer was that the two processes [of political solution and fighting terrorism] constitute one integral whole, and cannot be approached except together and in parallel.

Step by Step in Parallel!

Many years have passed since the debate over which is first: the political solution or the fight against terrorism. That debate proved to be futile. Subsequent developments have shown that the extremists on both sides, who held up to one of the answers, implicitly agreed to extend the duration of the crisis because of the immaturity of "quelling" [the opposition by the regime] nor "overthrowing" [the regime by the opposition] – as their slogans claimed, at a time when the obvious answer was that the two processes [of political solution and fighting terrorism] constitute one integral whole, and cannot be approached except together and in parallel.

Self-Determination Without Intervention

In the last few days there have been very contradictory statements on the subject of the constitutional committee, especially from the US side, whose representative in the UN Security Council has declared that the idea has been given enough time and has not been realized, and therefore, the international envoy must abandon it, in parallel with the completion of understandings on the Committee and the approach of the declaration of its formation.

Crisis... Be More intense, Be Closer to Détente

The blockers of political solution, the Westerners and their followers and supporters in the various parties, have been accustomed to be in solidarity with each other along the past bitter years. Their plan has always been to keep the suspended files on hold, while using one file at a time as the main tool for hindering, while pretending to be flexible with the other files.

Syrian-Turkish Relations and the New World

He loses his understanding of reality and falls into errors ranging from minor to major, in the national sense, the one who views Astana as a temporary or transitory understanding related to Syria.