Kassioun Editorial 1179: The Old Dies and the New is Born, in Europe Too!

Kassioun Editorial 1179: The Old Dies and the New is Born, in Europe Too!

The recent European Parliament elections results have been the focus of continued and widespread global attention. The coverage has included the news and analysis of the results, in addition to attempts to predict the near future of Europe and the world based on these results.

It is quite right that these elections receive widespread attention, not because of Europe’s historical importance within the international balance of power, an importance that has declined significantly particularly over the past decade, but because these elections and their results are a very important indicator of the nature of the transformations taking place at the global level.

The first thing that must be established is that the “postulate”, which major media outlets agree to repeat, saying that the results of these elections is “the advancement of the right”, is a deceptive postulate and far from the essence of what happened. The right in particular has possessed almost absolute power in almost every country in Europe for decades, and not just any right, but perhaps the most extreme wings thereof. The right that is associated with the global elite and particularly the American elite, and which has turned Europe into a mere servile follower of the American administration, at the expense of European national and popular interests. This is something that has become clear to the European peoples after the Ukraine war, in which European governments played a role completely compatible with American interests and the interests of the global elite, and completely against the national and social interests of those countries.

The second issue that is being overlooked is that the “right” whose rise is being talked about is not just a racist nationalist right, but one of the most important factors behind its rise is its declared positions against American hegemony. Not to mention that quite a few voters turned to the racist right as an expression of protesting against the traditional right in control, and not necessarily out of conviction in what the “rising” racist nationalist right is proposing.

The third fact, which is being hidden in almost every major media outlet, is that those whose votes and percentages rose in these elections are not only the racist nationalist right, but also, in parallel, and in close proportions, the left. One example of this is the opinion polls in the upcoming French elections, in which not only Le Pen, but also the Popular Front are rising in close proportions.

In sum, the essence of what is happening is that the old political space that has dominated Europe for decades, since neoliberalism prevailed with Thatcher and Reagan until now, is collapsing and heading towards its inevitable end. The results of the recent European elections are an important indicator in this context.

On the other hand, there is a new political space that is still in the process of being born, and its common basic driver, whether on the right or left, is rebellion against American hegemony.

The throes of the new birth will undoubtedly be difficult, and there will be persistent attempts to present imaginary alternatives for the purpose of maintaining power with the same class groups. However, the possibilities of crystallization of the new in a healthy and complete manner increase with time and with experience.

The basic feature that has become more consistent in various international conflicts, including internal ones, is the merging of national independence struggles with socioeconomic and democratic struggles. This includes Europe itself, which has started waging an independence battle against American influence, a battle that will ultimately succeed, despite the obstacles that the global/American center may put along the way, including the possibility of fierce internal conflicts.

All of this will ultimately be reflected in our region as well, which in its own way is waging its struggle toward a new independence, of which the struggle for a comprehensive political solution on the basis of UNSC Resolution 2254 in Syria represents an essential part.

(النسخة العربية)