On the Next "Constitutional" Round

On the Next "Constitutional" Round

Multiple parties intersect at their wish that the third round of the Syrian Constitutional Committee, which will start on the 24th of this month, would not reach any result, as happened in the past two rounds, and similarly to the many meetings held in Geneva during the past years.

In the context of dealing with the Constitutional Committee and its prospects, especially for those trying to portray its rounds as a repetition of the "negotiative" Geneva rounds, the following basic matters should be well understood:


First: If the new international balance allowed at the end of 2015 to issue UNSC Resolution 2254, then the developments of that balance over the past years now allow for actual and full implementation of this resolution.


Second: If it was possible for the extremists, who are fond of turning Geneva into a platform for reciprocal media attacks, to dominate over the past years, this is no longer possible nor tolerable, and the nature of the function entrusted to the Constitutional Committee plays an important role in that. It is not a coincidence, but rather took years from Astana path to manage to reach it.


Third: As part of what Astana itself has accomplished, it has curbed the conflict in its military form to a great extent. However, this does not mean, in essence, that the conflict disappeared. On the contrary, it means uncovering the conflict in its real form, the socio-economic and political from, whose being covered up was the main function of the warfare arms (locally and from abroad) in order to prevent this real conflict from reaching its results. That is, the internal struggle for preserving the unity and sovereignty of Syria, along with the required radical and comprehensive change by the hand of the Syrian people and for their interest, is no long only the fundamental conflict, but also the main conflict that foils the secondary and artificial contradictions, like the sectarian national, and others, from covering it up.


Within these coordinates, it is required, patriotically, from the various Syrian parties to adapt rapidly to the changes, specifically to rise up their performance to the level of the conflict in its civilized political coordinates; as it is, in essence, a struggle of ideas and visions about the future of Syria, and the sole channel for these ideas and visions to be realized would not be anything but dialogue and consensus.


We can add to the above mentioned what was previously confirmed by Moscow Platform in its press release that was made last Tuesday, 28/7/2020: “The scale of the catastrophe that Syrians are experiencing, both inside Syria and abroad, with its various tragic dimensions, is what should impose the impact and rhythm of the speed at which the Committee works as an entry point for the full implementation of UNSC Resolution 2254, which will lead Syria out of its crisis, and according to which the Syrian people will practice their self-determination.”


Here we repeat the call to the various Syrian parties, and wish from them not to be satisfied with the broad title agreed upon, but rather to accelerate their putting forward of concrete proposals on what will be discussed during the next round, allowing the round to be turned into a step forward at a time when the Syrian people need the political process as a whole to take many steps, fast and forward, not just one step.


Kassioun Editorial, Issue no. 977, August 3, 2020

Last modified on Sunday, 02 August 2020 20:39