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2254: The only Mandatory Road!
With de Mistura's submission of his resignation, the anti-UNSCR 2254 proposals have returned to the fore, by both the opposition-linked extremists, and the regime-linked extremists.
As for the former, they returned to repeating the tone of preconditions and openly bragged that everything they do about the political process is nothing but elusion, because they are "sure that the regime will not enter the political process". This party complement their proposal with declaring that they are waiting for international pressure, not to push the regime into the political process, but to push it out of the entire equation: that is to overthrow it, and they are waiting this to be done by the hands of the United States, which "has returned to active and strong intervention in Syrian affairs" according to their assumptions and desires. That is, this party, which is completely consistent with the US proposal, has never dealt honestly with the resolution 2254, which states that the two parties should agree with each other, not drop each other.
The latter party, which is the counterpart and support of the former one, and who ultimately deals with things using the same mentality, returned to say that the Geneva process was over, and its failure was announced by the resign of de Mistura, and goes even further – to where he wants to go from the very beginning ¬– to say the resolution 2254 became a past history, and not applicable, and as a result, the solution would come about through an "internal dialogue" modeled on the Sahara Conference [10-12 July 2011], which produced nothing, not because of its insignificance (it was an important step at that time), but because its recommendations were not implemented.
Both parties, as usually do, meet consistently, whether consciously or not, with the US trend: what the Americans clearly want is to keep the conflict as long as possible, and that is why they are seen working to create the ground for keeping Syria distributed among areas of influence (not temporary), with each area remaining in its status que: crisis-burdened and separated from the other areas.
The two parties also meet in their belonging to an old political space that can not understand that the Syrians have voices which must be heard, and must self-determine their own destiny. What those two parties know is only that the elites are the ones who decide, an who share quotas of the cake, and the people are nothing but the tool and object of that sharing!
What the two parties are unable to understand, and perhaps fear to face, is that the American era, with all its noxious sins, is destined to fall, and the new era, which the UNSCR 2254 constitutes one of its first and important features, is an era in which the peoples will have the highest word.
The implementation of resolution 2254 – which was imposed by the rising powers and against the interest and will of the Western group, and with the many intensifications of the conflict on it – has turned into a mandatory road, not only for Syria towards the solution, but also for the rising powers towards the new world. Therefore, this resolution is going on its way to be implemented, albeit through many difficulties and obstacles.
What extremists from all parties should know, is that anyone who contributes to obstructing the implementation of this resolution will have put himself, and by his won hand, in the ranks of the deteriorating and falling forces of the old world, and he has to bear the consequences of that. On the other hand, those who push for the implementation of this resolution, even if it happened that they had previously obstruct it, there is a rest of hope for them to have a place in the New World!
Kassioun Editorial, Issue No 884, October 22, 2018