After The Earthquake, A Syrian-Turkish Settlement Is More Urgent stars

(The following article was originally published on website) On Tuesday, February 14, a Russian MFA media release about a meeting between Mikhail Bogdanov, the Special Representative of the Russian President, and Kadri Jamil, one of the Syrian Opposition leaders,…

A Syrian-Turkish Settlement to Break the Sanctions

For the Syrian public, inside and outside Syria, the humanitarian aspect related to the earthquake disaster and the deep pain it left behind, as well as to their crisis that erupted 12 years ago, is always the most valued and…

Did the U.S. really lift sanctions off Syria temporarily? stars

(The following article was originally published by CGTN, on the 17th of February 2023) The U.S. Treasury announced a decision on February 9 claiming to allow an easing of sanctions imposed on Syria for the ensuing six months until August…

Humanitarian Appeal stars

It remains unknown how many Syrians are still under the rubble, and they are hundreds, maybe thousands, and maybe more. It is not known who among them is still alive, but there are certainly some waiting to be saved and…