Declaration on Ideological and Political Mobilization to Fight Neo-fascism

Declaration on Ideological and Political Mobilization to Fight Neo-fascism

During the 2nd regular conference of the Syrian opposition Popular Front for Change and Liberation held in Damascus on 5/10/2013, the delegates discussed the threats posed by the activities, practices and crimes perpetrated by the fascist, takfiri, and extremist organizations, that are unfamiliar for the national, social and religious structures of Syria.


 On the top of these organizations are «the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham», «Alnasra» and the alike organizations linked to Al-Qaeda, which in turn is an international terrorist structure financed and breached by all the intelligence services in the world. This runs for any corresponding practices or crimes by any party on the Syrian soil.

The conferees consider these organizations as the criminal executive tools of neo-fascism that expresses the most reactionary form of the world finance and criminal capitals. Therefore, combating these organizations and expelling them from Syria is a national, regional and international duty before all peace-loving powers in the world, including any rational forces in the aggravated Western sphere, whether in America or Europe, which are unwilling to see an outbreak of a third world war in case the neo-fascism gains a victory in this part of the world, starting from Syria.

The conferees of the PFCL 2nd conference underline the importance of the Declaration on the Ideological and Political Mobilization against the neo-fascist forces, its representatives and supporters in Syria, the region and the world.



 Damascus 5-10-2013

The PFCL 2nd conference


Last modified on Sunday, 15 December 2013 19:14