What is Left of the "Deal of the Century"?
Imad Tahhan Imad Tahhan

What is Left of the "Deal of the Century"?

Before discussing what is left of the "Deal of the Century" after the recent Palestinian victory, it is necessary to distinguish between that deal and the normalization agreements that took place during the last year with each of the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan.

Are the normalization agreements part of what Trump called the “Deal of the Century”? The obvious answer might be yes, but we think is that the realistic answer is yes and no!



To complete finishing off the Palestinian cause necessarily requires not only eliminating it within the historical borders of Palestine, but also in the regional and international environment. Therefore, it is evident that the "Deal of the Century" should include certain regional arrangements, and the normalization agreements are part of those arrangements.



The actual function of these agreements is very different from that for which they were intended within the Deal as a whole.

It is no secret that the governments and tribal leaderships that signed the normalization agreements had already normalized, and there are even those who have not yet signed but who have also already normalized.  Therefore, the purpose of signing these agreements was not the agreements themselves, but the regional atmosphere that these agreements were intended to create.  Primarily, what was intended was an atmosphere of frustration and despair, especially in the Palestinian interior (inside the Green Line).

This atmosphere (resulting from the parading of the signing of the normalization agreements) cannot be created every day. Rather, it is a one-time thing, and it has been completed and over. In other words, the guaranteed shot that was in the American / Zionist pistol’s magazine, with regard to the normalization agreements, has been fired, and resonated in the media space for a few months, leaving no trace of its sound.

Did those who wanted to implement the deal know that the only guaranteed shot was the one that they fired? In our opinion, yes, of course, but the issue is simply that the other aspects of implementing the Deal of the Century inside Palestine, that is, through a final subjugation of the Palestinians, and putting an end to the issue ofJerusalem, Gaza, and the West Bank separately (with a foolish implicit consideration that the 48 territories are already finished), saw no real progress.

Likewise, the most difficult parts of the regional arrangements, that is, those related to Jordan and Egypt, also did not witness any progress (something that is not related to the will of the authorities in Jordan and Egypt, but rather their ability).

All these coordinates have transformed the announcement of the normalization agreements from an essential part of the Deal of the Century, the function of which is to run parallel with and stimulate the other parts, into a desperate alternative to that Deal with the hopes of reviving it; and if it does not, then it establishes a regional reality that less dangerous for the Zionist entity than withdrawal of the US without concluding these agreements (the US withdrawal from the region as a whole, and at a minimum, reducing US presence to a minimum, is a foregone and known matter within the US strategies aimed at focusing its retreating forces to face the Chinese giant).


Now What?

What we have presented above can be summarized as follows: The Deal of the Century has failed, and the announcement of the normalization agreements was an attempt to revive it as a maximum, or at least to establish a safety margin for the Zionist entity within the US withdrawal from the region.

What can be said now that the unity of the Palestinian people in every part of its historical land (which is no longer historical but rather realistic and immediate, as noted by a popular young Palestinian social media personality, Alaa Abu Diab), and all over the world, had blown up all that the occupier had tried to do  throughout many decades of isolation and criminality?

We believe that what can be said is not only the Deal of the Century has failed, as it had failed before the recent uprising, but that even the normalization agreements that were signed by those who were servile over the last year have transformed from an assumed "safety margin" for the entity, to a certain danger margin for the governments that signed them.

Furthermore, this uprising has cut off the path for others who are servile, among them those who have exposed themselves through the way they covered (in the media) and dealt with the uprising, and some who covered and hid their faces. The uprising has blocked the way for those who have been historically opportunistic, are now forced to reconsider time and again after the backdoor ways that have been for many years past their favorite tool of extortion, are now getting narrower and smaller.

(Arabic version)