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Appeal to the Syrian People

Dear victorious Syrian people,

Only a few hours had passed since the departure of the previous oppressive authority, when the “Israelis” rushed to expand their comprehensive aggression on Syrian territory and the Syrian people, with shelling and airstrikes that were the most violent since the October War in 1973. These airstrikes targeted locations, equipment, and weapons that belong to the Syrian people and are part of their strength. The “Israelis” also encroached on Mount Hermon and multiple areas within the Quneitra Governorate. Thus, jumping over Resolution 338, and unilaterally ending the 1974 disengagement agreement, not to mention continuing to occupy our Syrian Golan.

Kassioun Editorial 1204: Statement to the Syria People Towards a New Syria

Today, a dark page in the history of Syria and the Syrian people has been turned; a page in which an entire people was squeezed into its narrow margin, suffering all kinds of torment, oppression, deprivation, pain, displacement, poverty, and detention centers, while the main page was occupied by tyranny, corruption, plundering, and encroachment on people’s rights and dignity.

Statement to the Syria People Towards a New Syria stars

Today, a dark page in the history of Syria and the Syrian people has been turned; a page in which an entire people was squeezed into its narrow margin, suffering all kinds of torment, oppression, deprivation, pain, displacement, poverty, and detention centers, while the main page was occupied by tyranny, corruption, plundering, and encroachment on people’s rights and dignity.

Kassioun Editorial 1203: Why Did We Propose “Moscow 3”?

Last Wednesday, November 27, during its press conference following its expansion with the addition of new forces, the Moscow Platform for the Syrian Opposition announced an initiative for a meeting between the opposition and the regime in the Russian capital, Moscow, similar to the “Moscow 1” and “Moscow 2” meetings that took place in 2015. At the time of issuing this call, the latest developments on the ground had not yet begun to appear, but they were nevertheless expected to some extent, and were one of the reasons for launching this initiative.

Kassioun Editorial 1202: How Will the Conflict Proceed?

Even before Trump moves into the White House, the general features of the amendments that will be introduced to American strategy within the ongoing Western struggle against the birth of a new world, and to hold on to the crumbling hegemony and unipolarity, are gradually crystallizing.

Kassioun Editorial 1201: Syria’s Unity is in Danger! stars

The two long stages Syria has experienced since 2011 – that is, the stage of fighting and military attrition, following by the stage of economic attrition that continues until now – have laid the foundation for a situation that is simultaneously extremely dangerous and fragile. This has made preserving the unity of Syria and preventing turning the de facto partition into a permanent one, the top priority of patriotic action.

Kassioun Editorial 1200: Will US Policy Change? stars

These days, the market is thriving with expectations regarding the directions that US policy will take in the upcoming Trump era, and implicitly expectations regarding what will happen in our region and in our country.

Memorandum of Understanding between the Cairo and Moscow Platforms stars

Within the framework of joint work to push towards a political solution, and following a series of meetings, the Moscow and Cairo Platforms for the Syrian Opposition reached a set of agreements and understandings, the fundamental ones of which are expressed in this memorandum of understanding (MOU), and are as follows:

Kassioun Editorial 1199: Two Shoes Worn by the Same Person stars

In 1960, before the US elections on November 6 of that year, Fidel Castro was asked which candidate he preferred, Nixon or Kennedy? He replied: “You cannot compare two shoes worn by the same person”.