The Constitutional Committee: Just a Key

The Constitutional Committee: Just a Key

Various indicators and data suggest that the announcement of the formation of the Syrian Constitutional Committee is imminent, and this may take place within a few weeks.


The constitutional question is part of the issues that should be resolved in implementation of UNSC resolution 2254, leading to its full implementation and to its essence; that is, ensuring the right of the Syrians to self-determination.

It is itself a key to the solution and not the whole solution... What is required is to activate this key to open a wide door for constitutional reform, that puts it on the long road to its implementation. These are all stages that must be passed.

The dispute and putting a pre-condition for the task of the committee by determining in advance if it would be an amendment or formulation of a new draft constitution, is also aimed at hinderance. It is good that this issue has been resolved in the final Sochi statement by using the expression "constitutional reform", which is a wide range of options that opens the door to the two possibilities. It is now clear that transcending the question is to be done by leaving this task, the task of determining what is required, amendment or change, to the committee itself to answer the question based on an understanding among the Syrians themselves on the necessities dictated by reality and dictated by the necessity of getting out of the crisis, the necessity of not returning to crisis, and the necessity of establishing the new Syria.

The constitutional committee itself is a necessary condition for resolving the crisis, but it is not a sufficient condition, so it alone will not be a solution to the Syrian crisis. The solution was and still is the full implementation of UNSCR 2254, which includes a large number of issues, including the completion of the fight against terrorism until its elimination, and the formation of a transitional governing body, and the preparation of transparent, fair and impartial elections, that is, its results not already controlled neither by the financial forces nor the state's forces or foreign powers. There are also the issues of detainees and missing persons, reconstruction and removing the sanctions and the return of refugees... but this does not diminish the importance of the formation of this committee which will constitute a key for the comprehensive political solution.

The commencement of the work of the constitutional committee means the beginning of the final exit from the coordinates imposed by the extremists over the past eight years, which have worked to recruit the Syrians against each other, between a dissident and a loyalist, and within goals the maximum of them is eliminating the other, without any concern about rebuilding a homeland for all Syrians in a way guaranteeing their interests altogether, and close the door in the face of exploiting their blood and suffering by the big corrupters and warlords, and behind them the Western powers, and Washington in particular, which has never stopped trying to enforce its destructive plans in Syria and the region as a whole, to mitigate its own sharp decline on the global level.

The formation of the committee also means that this file which has been on the table; and was intended to be a solution factor from the point of view of those who seek to solve the problem, and a factor for blocking and preventing the emergence of other files from the point of view of the internal and external blockers - has taken its practical way towards implementation, opening the way to the other files besides it. In this sense it can also be said that the Commission is the key to the solution, because its formation is the first practical step in the full implementation of the UNSC resolution 2254.

Kassioun Editorial, Issue No 924, July 29, 2019

Last modified on Wednesday, 14 August 2019 20:46