Kassioun Editorial 1061: The Post-Ukraine World is Not the Same as Pre-Ukraine

Kassioun Editorial 1061: The Post-Ukraine World is Not the Same as Pre-Ukraine

Syrians are watching the battle in Ukraine and its global extensions and effects, and wonder how it will affect their crisis, and whether it will prolong it or speed up its resolution.

As for the extremists on both sides, they are promoting illusions in bulk, relating to the repercussions of the Ukrainian crisis (whether they actually believe those illusions, or are using them only in a propaganda framework).

On the side of the extremists among the opposition, they are promoting reigniting the war in Syria itself, as part of the international battle. Some of those do not hesitate to publicly declare their readiness to act as proxies for the Americans to “confront the Russians”, and on the Syrian soil.

On the opposite side, there are increasingly more and more statements and analyses that ultimately have the same opinion, albeit from an opposite angle. That is, it deems it “necessary” to resume military operations “to restore by force the areas outside the state’s control”.

In sum, extremists from both sides have in common their attempts to employ the new circumstance to go back to the slogans of resolving militarily and toppling, and to bury once and for all UNSC Resolution 2254 and the political solution. Furthermore, and perhaps beyond that, with their behavior and these propositions, they are reaffirming the ways they overlap with the West in its hostility to the political solution and 2254, which is similar to its hostility to the Minsk Accords, a hostility that the West has always covered up with a plethora of false statements, in parallel with the actual work to prevent its implementation.

Away from the illusions, dreams, and games of the extremists, the huge change that we are seeing in the international balance of power, of which the Ukraine battle is only one indicator, would certainly affect the Syrian crisis, but certainly not in the way the enemies of the political solution dream of and hope. This is because, first and foremost, the coordinates for obstructing the solution are precisely those coordinates in which the West, and particularly the Americans and the Zionists, have enough power and influence to prevent the solution and prolong crises. These coordinates are exactly what is changing today, and in a stormy manner.

In other words, the solution before and after Ukraine is 2254, with the main difference being that the possibility of its actual implementation has increased and will rise on a daily basis with each additional retreat of the West.

While it was neither possible nor acceptable to wait for the international balances to be resolved to resolve the Syrian crisis – because waiting for that means opening the door to ending Syria itself as a geopolitical unit and as a people – nevertheless, the solution today is through the Syrian patriots from all sides coming together. Those are the ones who are truly and actually committed to and believe in the need for a profound and radical comprehensive change – political and socioeconomic.

As for the international context for the implementation of 2254, it has become clearer that it should be based on the idea that the solution should move forward, whether or not the West wants it, and whether or not it participates therein. Therefore, the Astana trio, along with China, is now the most capable of extracting the initiative in raising the level of its work to help Syrians reach a solution, and again: through the full implementation of UNSC Resolution 2254.

(النسخة العربية)

Last modified on Sunday, 13 March 2022 19:58